Low Back Pain

The first phase in Low Back Pain treatment is for the patient to learn to relax their minds and concentrate on the different back pain areas. It is advisable to start with simple back-bends. Practice Hero Pose to keep the backbone balanced. Mandukasana (frog pose) may be useful in some cases.

According to Ayurveda, this condition occurs because of Neck’s Sandhigata vata. Cervical spondylosis is a chronic cervical spine degenerative condition caused by age-related changes in the structure between the neck and neck joints. It is also referred to as neck osteoarthritis. Neela Ayurvedic care can help you with 100% natural therapies.
Neck Pain

Ayurveda Neck Pain Treatment is focused on the cause of the problem and usually, if it is of recent origin, it easily responds to conservative treatment methods such as rest, pain killers, etc. Persistent neck pain is often caused by the cervical spine’s disc prolapse and arthritis and leads to other complications.
Rehumatoid Arthritis

It is a painful condition but Neelima Ayurvedic Care in Kerala offers counseling, medication, and therapies that are suitable for a large number of the patient. Follow-up treatment is possible through the continuation of medication at our care center and even at remote locations in Kerala, and we also offer telephone consultation.

Over the years, through a conservative approach, we at Neelima Ayurvedic Care have perfected the art and science of treating osteoarthritis and eliminating the need for surgery in a vast majority of patients. We also prescribe a preventive approach to osteoarthritis. We also use yoga as part of our therapeutic approach.
Post Injury/Post Operative

Postoperative care begins immediately after surgery. It lasts for the duration of your hospital stay and may continue after you’ve been discharged. As part of your postoperative care, we at Neelima Ayurvedic Care teach you about the potential side effects and complications of your procedure & also help you with post-operative issues.

The care for detoxification and recovery involves de-addiction therapy, herbal oil massages, Dhara, Navarakizhi, Thailam, herbal steam bath, internal medications that would holistically detoxify the body and help to restore balance. Neelima Ayurvedic Care aimed at flushing out the toxins, restoring internal tissues and pulling you out of the darkness of addiction.

We at Neelima Ayurvedic Care offer various accommodation options for in-house ayurvedic care for stroke, over a span of three to four weeks. A team of supportive paramedics and support staff helps the experienced and caring physicians. Consultations, medications, and treatments can be followed up at our clinics in Kerala.
Physiotherapy For Lifestyle Disorders

Physical therapy offered by Neelima Ayurvedic Care is beneficial not only to recover from illness, injury or surgery, but also to help you improve your overall health and well-being and your quality of life. Physiotherapy for lifestyle disorders is a great resource for health and well-being & it also improves your social life.
Pre & Post Natal Physiotherapy

People with pelvic floor disorders have often kept their problems secret in the past. In many situations, women thought that what they experienced was natural and learned to “grin and bear it.” But no women should suffer this. Neelima Ayurvedic Care is known for a number of pelvic health concerns being successfully treated.